BSMT 2022
37th British Society for Microbial Technology (BSMT) Annual Microbiology Conference
London, UK – 19th July, 2022
Join us on 19th July for BSMT 2022.
Registrations for the event are available here: https://www.bsmt.org.uk/registration/
For more information on the event contact us here: https://geneticsignatures.com/eu/contact/
About Us
Genetic Signatures is a specialist molecular diagnostics (MDx) company focused on the development of real-time PCR based products for the routine detection of infectious diseases.
Our proprietary 3baseTM technology provides hospital and pathology laboratories with the ability to screen for a wide array of infectious pathogens with a high degree of specificity and reliability, in a rapid throughput (time to result) environment.