Microsporidia laboratory diagnosis

Detecting Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Encephalitozoon intestinalis poses several challenges due to their unique biological characteristics and the limitations of current diagnostic methods. Due to the invasive nature of this disease, urine samples are also recommended when testing for microsporidia.

Diagnostic challenges include the requirement for labour-intensive processes that lack sensitivity and specificity, leading to false negative results. Challenges include:

  • Presentation of non-specific and overlapping symptoms that can be caused by a wide range of gastrointestinal pathogens.
  • Very small in size, with staining appearing to look like bacteria in a Gram stain, or artifacts. Detecting using standard microscopy without specialised staining is very difficult
  • Requirement of specialised staining techniques (modified trichrome recommended) but very labor-intensive as these organisms are difficult to lyse and stain
  • Detection by fluorescent stain (Calcofluor) is not specific

Microscopic examination of microsporidia

Molecular methods for detecting microsporidia

Genetic Signatures' EasyScreen™ Gastrointestinal Parasite Detection Kit and automated GS1 workflow addresses the many challenges of microsporidia detection, screening for both Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Encephalitozoon intestinalis in a single test, with 6 other clinically significant GI parasites.

This is the only FDA 510(k) cleared gastrointestinal parasite panel detecting microsporida.

The unique sample processing kit and 3base™ technology successfully accesses the nucleotide sequences of microsporidia to support efficient multiplex real-time PCR detection for infection.

Genetic Signatures simple, automated workflow eliminates the need for labor and time-intensive staining processes. The GI parasite panel is a highly sensitive and specific method compared to traditional diagnostic tests.

Listen to Dr. Damien Stark in the webinar series on the Advances of Gastrointestional Parasite Testing to hear his success in using 3base™ technology and Genetic Signatures workflow to detect microsporida.

Syndromic testing for 8 gastrointestinal parasites in a single test

Up to 60 patients screened in a single, automated workflow...with same day reporting!

Genetic Signatures Syndromic workflow for detecting gastrointestinal parasites

Find out more about our unique 3base™ solution for detecting gastrointestinal parasites

3base™ advantage for parasite testing

The benefits of employing 3base™ technology for multiplex real-time PCR detection of gastrointestinal parasites

Webinars, blogs, podcasts

Leading parasitologists speak to the challenges of detecting GI parasites and the benefits of molecular testing

White papers, publications

Clinical evidence supporting the benefits of molecular testing for gastrointestinal parasites

Case studies & testimonials

Learn what industry leaders think of Genetic Signatures' novel solution for GI parasite detection

Clinically important parasites

An overview of the leading gastrointestinal parasites: Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment