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Genetic Signatures increases the number of bacterial targets in EasyScreen™ Enteric PCR assays
Genetic Signatures is in the final stages of clinical validation of an expanded target offering for the EasyScreen™ Enteric Bacterial detection panel.
The new optional multiplex real-time PCR mix C will include targets for Aeromonas hydrophila, Vibrio cholerae/Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and Shiga Toxigenic E. coli (stx1/stx2). This will increase the number of targets in the EasyScreen™ Enteric Bacterial Detection panel to nine and the total number of enteric pathogen targets in the EasyScreen Enteric detection product rage to twenty two.
The EasyScreen™ Bacterial Detection Kits now offer detection of (i) Salmonella spp., (ii) Campylobacter spp., (iii) Shigella spp., (iv)Yersinia enterocolitica, (v) toxigenic C. difficile (vi) Listeria monocytogenes, (vii) Aeromonas hydrophila, (viii) Vibrio cholerae/Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and (ix) Shiga Toxigenic E. coli (stx1/stx2) over three wells.
Other products in the EasyScreen™ Enteric Pathogen detection range include.
EasyScreen™ Enteric Protozoan Detection Kit for the detection of of (i) Cryptosporidium spp., (ii) Giardia intestinalis, (iii) Dientamoeba fragilis, (iv) Entamoeba Complex and (v) Blastocystis hominis in faecal samples.
EasyScreen™ Enteric Viral Detection Kit for the detection of (i) Norovirus GI, (ii) Norovirus GII, (iii) Astrovirus, (iv) Rotavirus A, (v) Rotavirus B (vi) Enterovirus (vii) Adenovirus and (viii) Adenovirus (40 + 41 only) in faecal samples.