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Genetic Signatures Exhibiting at ASM Microbe 2017 in New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, 1-5 June 2017.
Genetic Signatures are pleased to be exhibiting at ASM Microbe 2017 in New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, 1-5 June 2017.
The ASM Microbe conference showcases the best microbial sciences in the world and provides a one-of-a-kind forum to explore the complete spectrum of microbiology from basic science to translation and application.
You are invited to visit Genetic Signatures at Booth no. 1304 at ASM Microbe 2017.
Click here to visit the ASM Microbe website
About ASM Microbe: ASM Microbe 2017 is the largest gathering of microbiologists in the world and the only meeting in the field that explores the full scope of microbiology – from basic science to translational and clinical application. By integrating ASM’s two most popular events, General Meeting and ICAAC, ASM Microbe 2017 provides unparalleled learning and networking opportunities that you cannot find anywhere else.