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Genetic Signatures to exhibit and present at the 10th European Meeting on Molecular Diagnostics (EMMD), Noordwijk, Netherlands
Genetic Signatures are proud to announce the exhibition and presentation at the 10th European Meeting on Molecular Diagnostics (EMMD) on the 11-13th October 2017 Noordwijk, Netherlands.
This biannual event with multiple keynote speakers provides a unique opportunity to showcase applications in novel molecular technologies as well as highlight the key aspects required in Molecular Diagnostics.
We are pleased to announce that Genetic Signatures Director, US Technical Operations Dr. Richard Smith will be presenting.
Session 9: New Diagnostics Technologies
Friday October 13th, 2017 at 15:25 – 15:40 (CEST)
“Rapid, Sensitive and Automated Detection of Pathogenic Targets with the Multiplexed EasyScreen™ 3base™ Assays”
Please visit Genetic Signatures at Booth 14 to learn more about our novel 3baseTM technology and applications with our EasyScreenTM Detection Kits.
Visit the conference website for more information: EMMD
About EMMD: This is the 10th European Meeting on Molecular Diagnostics (EMMD), devoted to all aspects of molecular diagnostics in human disease and pathology. The EMMD is organised every two years in the Netherlands. These meetings are a continuation of the former Benelux- and European meetings on PCR diagnostics. However, the scope of the meeting has expanded to include other amplification techniques, general probe technology and applications in a wide diversity of laboratory disciplines such as Clinical Microbiology, Virology, Pathology, Clinical Chemistry, Clinical Genetics, Pharmacogenetics, Hematology, and Oncology.
The emphasis of this multi-disciplinary meeting is on novel molecular technologies and innovative applications in the diagnosis, monitoring, and screening of human diseases. Presentations will consist of invited-lectures by internationally renowned experts in combination with selected abstract presentations. Poster sessions and industrial exhibits will be an integrated part of the meeting.